Ashland NewsLocal news for Ashland, IL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.MARSEILLES: Tattooist hits city roadblockWoman says business focuses on cosmetic services- October 12, 2007 "But I'm pretty picky. I don't do skull and crossbones or the biker-type tattoos. And I won't do anything crass like nudes." CHARLES STANLEY,, 815-795-2023 At the last Marseilles City Council meeting, Commissioner Bob Davis withdrew his second to bring May Rose Clark's home business license to a vote. via The Times Chicago Marathon runs through the West Loop- October 9, 2007 "A friend reminded me that the marathon going to be this past weekend. I'm glad because a $200 fine and the headache of having to get my car out would certainly have ruined my Sunday." Issue date: 10807 Section: Features Media Credit: Erica Rodriguez Several Greektown businesses on Halsted between Van Buren and Adams experienced extra business because they were on the marathon route. via Chicago Flame |