stan's blogEverything you need to know when you are on Chantix. By real people.Only 1% of 200 BILLION Dollars And 1 Billion People Dead by 2100- February 7, 2008 Only 1% of 200 billion dollars collected by governments worldwide in taxes is spent on tobacco control, according to this news story. Now pause and just think about the numbers. Kind of scary. Hmm, did they factor Chantix into this forecast :) Chantix News Skimming - Chantix Psychiatric Risks- February 5, 2008 Well, I was reading some news about Chantix online. Thought I'd share if some of you haven't read this. read more Chantix Wait Too Long- February 4, 2008 Omg! I can't even seem to relax about dating because of my smoking! It's even worse now, I guess, that I've come to know the "other side." I don't know if I can wait for Chantix to quit. Smoking is driving me crazy!! read more |