Atlanta NewsLocal news for Atlanta, IL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.New features at the Route 66 Garage Sale- May 29, 2008 The Route 66 Heritage Foundation has partnered with several other local organizations and businesses to make the event even better than before. County briefs: Memorial Day celebration planned at Logan County Courthouse; appointments and more- May 25, 2008 Monday, 10:30 a.m., at the Logan County Courthouse The activities will take place on Broadway Street side of the courthouse. Burrus buys Hoblit seed : News- May 23, 2008 Burrus Hybrids, of Arenzville, has acquired Hoblit Seed Co. of Atlanta, Ill., it was announced Wednesday. Atlanta landmark turns 100- May 21, 2008 Caretaker Carol Blankenship reaches up to adjust a bouquet of flowers sitting above her on the mantle of the front fireplace. Air service set back a year- May 13, 2008 "We're working on three and maybe even four" Nearly $1.4 million in federal, airport and business subsidies later, Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport is headed pretty much back to where it started. via State Journal-Register Population growth requires conservation- May 8, 2008 "We need to also ask for accountability from the power plants." By JOHN ROSZKOWSKI With population projections showing another 2 million people could move in to northeastern Illinois by 2030, water conservation measures need to be enacted now to ... via Lake Forester |