Spring Lake NewsLocal news for Spring Lake, NJ continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Third teen death shocks community- June 29, 2008 The Manasquan High School community is in shock after the second death by train of a student in the past 60 days.http://www.topix.net/city/spring-lake-nj/2008/06/third-teen-death-shocks-community?fromrss... Stasia Kuty DeFRIEDBERG, 85, of Spring Lake- June 27, 2008 STASIA KUTY DeFRIEDBERG, 85, of SPRING LAKE, passed away Tuesday. June 24, at Jersey Shore Medical Center, Neptune.http://www.topix.net/city/spring-lake-nj/2008/06/stasia-kuty-defriedberg-85-of-spring-lake... Summer has officially begun- June 25, 2008 This is the first official weekend of summer, though here at the Shore it has been summer since Memorial Day weekend.http://www.topix.net/city/spring-lake-nj/2008/06/summer-has-officially-begun?fromrss=1 Beach club inspections questioned- June 23, 2008 New Jersey is known for having a number of dumbfounding archaic laws on the books, but Monmouth County Sheriff Kim Guadagno says she is especially eager to see a 68-year-old law on private beach club ...http://www.topix.net/city/spring-lake-nj/2008/06/beach-club-inspections-questioned?fromrss... Spring Lake hosts art show in park June 21- June 21, 2008 The Spring Lake Recreation Commission is sponsoring the annual Art in the Park show from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 21 at Divine Park, Passaic and Fourth avenue in Spring Lake where The Manasquan River Group of ...http://www.topix.net/city/spring-lake-nj/2008/06/spring-lake-hosts-art-show-in-park-june-2... Experts mull how to end lake pollution- June 20, 2008 Beset by pollution, siltation, weeds, algae and other woes, coastal lakes in Monmouth and Ocean counties are in trouble and need help, according to observers.http://www.topix.net/city/spring-lake-nj/2008/06/experts-mull-how-to-end-lake-pollution?fr... Spring Lake, N.J.- June 18, 2008 Spring Lake gives the appearance of a nice New Jersey 'old' beach town. The place is located just a couple of blocks north side of a small graceful lake which gives the town of Spring Lake its name.http://www.topix.net/city/spring-lake-nj/2008/06/spring-lake-n-j?fromrss=1 Five-mile runwalk raises cash while honoring student- June 11, 2008 On Sunday morning, Manalapan High School best resembled a reunion for the family and friends of Carlee A. Wines.http://www.topix.net/city/spring-lake-nj/2008/06/five-mile-run-walk-raises-cash-while-hono... Robert J. Reilly, 59, of Bayonne, whose mother lives in Spring Lake- June 9, 2008 ROBERT J. REILLY, 59, of Bayonne, whose mother lives in SPRING LAKE, died Wednesday, June 4, in Compassionate Care Hospice at the Atrium, Jersey City.http://www.topix.net/city/spring-lake-nj/2008/06/robert-j-reilly-59-of-bayonne-whose-mothe... Recalling young crash victims- June 7, 2008 A butterfly garden will be dedicated in memory of Julianne and Emily Hendrickson Sunday behind Lavender Moon, a specialty boutique at 1006 Main St.http://www.topix.net/city/spring-lake-nj/2008/06/recalling-young-crash-victims?fromrss=1 |