Annandale NewsLocal news for Annandale, NJ continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Stanhope House closed for now- May 29, 2008 The Stanhope House, a historic tavern and music venue for high-profile acts like Muddy Waters and the Allman Brothers since the 1960s, has closed its doors indefinitely, its owners said. Police blotter- May 27, 2008 WARRANT, 12:15 p.m. May 13: An officer saw a car driven by Michael Cruz, 22, of Bethlehem, Pa., pulling out of the Fountain Motel. Tours bring new vistas to amateur gardeners- May 22, 2008 It's Garden Tour time in Hunterdon and nearby areas. The tours offer not only a chance to see what's current in garden fashion, but how even challenging spaces can be turned into oases of beauty and quiet ... Towns unite to fend off COAH rules- May 15, 2008 "These are the towns that are playing by the rules and acting in good faith." What began as a complaint letter to a state agency has grown into what Clinton Township Mayor Nick Corcodilos says will be a lawsuit against the state, filed by his municipality and 17 others across five ... via NJ.com Police check the scene of a head-on crash in Clinton Township.- May 13, 2008 A fatal accident has closed down an interstate exit ramp and county road in the township. via Courier News Jeffrey P. Young HVAC technician- May 9, 2008 ANNANDALE -Jeffrey P. Young, 66, died Thursday . Predeceased by his wife, Lucy M. Young, he is survived by his mother, Anne Young; a son, Jeffrey P. Young Jr.; two daughters, Janel R. Newman and Yvetta A. ... via Home News Tribune Cigarette caused Clinton Township fire; Bernards blaze under investigation- May 8, 2008 "The exact cause of the fire could not be identified at this time" A blaze that destroyed a house Tuesday and sent an elderly woman to the hospital was caused by a lighted cigarette -- as was a fire last year in the same house, according to authorities. via Home News Tribune Your Community News- May 4, 2008 Officials of National Merit Scholarship Corporation announced the names April 30 of some 2,500 distinguished high school seniors who have won National Merit $2,500 Scholarships. via Courier News Online Komen for the Cure to have annual event at Drumthwacket- May 1, 2008 "Cancer has touched my life in countless ways from my own survival to survival and courage of friends and family." Susan G. Komen for the Cure Central and South Jersey will host the sixth an nual Spirit of Jane Rodney Reception at Drumthwacket 7 p.m. May 9. The reception is named after Jane Rodney, who was instrumental in ... via The Times |