Upper Saddle River NewsLocal news for Upper Saddle River, NJ continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Piecing together our history- April 24, 2008 "Just Sew! Quilts from 1850-1930" A special exhibit of antique quilts opens in the Tomson Gallery at the Red Mill Museum Village on April 27 and will continue through Oct. via NJ.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/upper-saddle-river-nj/2008/04/piecing-together-our-history?fromr... Onkyo produces three new HTiBs from its hat- April 19, 2008 Posted in Home Theater by Nino Marchetti on April 17th, 2008 Onkyo was you to feel the home theater in a box love as it unleashed today three new entry level systems which only require a HDTV to get them going. via Slippery Brickhttp://www.topix.net/city/upper-saddle-river-nj/2008/04/onkyo-produces-three-new-htibs-fro... Empowering Kids With Autism- April 17, 2008 "The dog will always listen to your secrets and never tell anybody" Kathy Santo in her back yard with a "Paws Four Autism" participant, and the child's dog Training Dogs Helps Autism Dog trainer Kathy Santo teaches children with autism to train their dogs, which helps the ... via CBS Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/upper-saddle-river-nj/2008/04/empowering-kids-with-autism?fromrs... Jersey volunteers return safely after scare in Haiti- April 15, 2008 "We were looking at all kinds of contingencies" An Upper Saddle River congregation today welcomed a group of New Jersey medical volunteers home from Haiti with a special prayer service. via The Jersey Journalhttp://www.topix.net/city/upper-saddle-river-nj/2008/04/jersey-volunteers-return-safely-af... Congregation celebrates volunteers' safe return from Haiti- April 13, 2008 "I'm not sure if I (would) travel back there in the next six months, but if it settles down and becomes safe, and if my family is not too upset about me returning, I would be returning in a heartbeat" UPPER SADDLE RIVER, N.J. - A vigil to pray for the safe return of a team of doctors and nurses from Haiti turned into a celebration yesterday. via Journal Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/upper-saddle-river-nj/2008/04/congregation-celebrates-volunteers... Medical group from Bergen County trapped by riots in Haiti- April 11, 2008 Thirteen volunteers from New York and New Jersey are trapped in their hotel in Haiti, as violence over food shortages in the country rage outside, the Bergen Record reports . via The Jersey Journalhttp://www.topix.net/city/upper-saddle-river-nj/2008/04/medical-group-from-bergen-county-t... these young men and women demonstrated academic excellence, a...- April 7, 2008 Throughout the competitive nominations process, these young men and women demonstrated academic excellence, a commitment to public service, and maturity beyond their young years. via The Ridgewood Bloghttp://www.topix.net/city/upper-saddle-river-nj/2008/04/these-young-men-and-women-demonstr... |