Wagon Mound NewsLocal news for Wagon Mound, NM continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Secretary Curry Denies Special Waste Permit for Wagon Mound Landfill- December 21, 2007 State of New Mexico ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENT Office of the Secretary Harold Runnels Building 1190 St. via New Mexico Environment Departmenthttp://www.topix.net/city/wagon-mound-nm/2007/12/secretary-curry-denies-special-waste-perm... Wagon Mound landfill special permit denied- December 19, 2007 The New Mexico Environment Department denied for a second time a special waste permit for a regional landfill in Wagon Mound. via New Mexico Business Weeklyhttp://www.topix.net/city/wagon-mound-nm/2007/12/wagon-mound-landfill-special-permit-denie... Upgraded facility welcomed- December 8, 2007 "To have a facility with the tools" Sam Serna stood inside the brand new Miners' Colfax Medical Center acute-care facility Friday afternoon talking about the "very fast, very busy last year and a half" in which the 75,000-square-foot, $24 million building went from ground-breaking to opening.As he spoke, the MCMC maintenance director - who had been tasked with helping oversee 22 contractors on the building project - occasionally glanced around the lobby of the new hospital, which he described..http://www.topix.net/city/wagon-mound-nm/2007/12/upgraded-facility-welcomed?fromrss=1 Harry Gibbs And Texas Bruce- December 1, 2007 "Had a little contest to name Texas Bruce's horse and this little kid came in with Trustee, and so he was the winner" NewsChannel 5 is celebrating its 60th anniversary and we're going back into the archives to bring you up to date on one of the station's most popular TV personalities. via KSDK NewsChannel 5http://www.topix.net/city/wagon-mound-nm/2007/12/harry-gibbs-and-texas-bruce?fromrss=1 |