Arroyo Seco NewsLocal news for Arroyo Seco, NM continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Taos Pueblo Govenor and staff- January 16, 2008 By Rick Romancito The Taos Pueblo Governor and staff for 2008 are, from left, Fiscale Gabriel V. Romero, Fiscale Joel Archuleta, Fiscale Ralph Concha, Lieutenant Fiscale Andrew Romero, Head Fiscale Tony Romero, Second Sheriff Fred Romero, First Sheriff Jeff Romancito, Tribal Secretary Delbert Chisholm, Lieutenant Governor Thomas J. Lujan Jr., and Governor Paul T. Martinez. The Governor, War Chief and their staffs are appointed Jan. 1 and serve for one-year terms. Photo by Rick Romancito, The... |