Whitefield NewsLocal news for Whitefield, NH continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.House backs pot decriminalization- March 21, 2008 "They can't give it away or have in it a car, because it's a felony or misdemeanor." Concord The New Hampshire House voted today to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana, ignoring advice from the House Criminal Justice Committee. via UnionLeaderhttp://www.topix.net/city/whitefield-nh/2008/03/house-backs-pot-decriminalization?fromrss=... Lynch threatens veto after House votes to decriminalize pot- March 19, 2008 "They can't give it away or have in it a car, because it's a felony or misdemeanor." The action quickly drew a rare veto threat from Gov. John Lynch. Senate Majority Leader Joseph Foster, D-Nashua, said the Senate will most likely kill it. via UnionLeader.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/whitefield-nh/2008/03/lynch-threatens-veto-after-house-votes-to-... What's unusual in New Hampshire- March 13, 2008 New Hampshire the "Granite State". The beauty of the White Mountains and clear mountain streams make it an ideal place for hiking and camping. via Buzzle.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/whitefield-nh/2008/03/whats-unusual-in-new-hampshire?fromrss=1 Transmission limits hamper renewable energy plans- March 9, 2008 "None of this is a real speedy process" Northern New England is turning to the sun, wind and waste wood for clean, renewable power, but there's a serious problem: the threat of gridlock on electricity "highways." A prime example is New Hampshire's ... via USA Todayhttp://www.topix.net/city/whitefield-nh/2008/03/transmission-limits-hamper-renewable-energ... Sex-offense bills move onto Senate- March 7, 2008 "One time with consent does not make a predator" A pair of bills that would revamp the state's laws governing sex offenders won the support of the House of Representatives on Wednesday. via Nashua Telegraphhttp://www.topix.net/city/whitefield-nh/2008/03/sex-offense-bills-move-onto-senate?fromrss... |