Walpole NewsLocal news for Walpole, NH continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Workers repairing gate on Connecticut River dam- April 30, 2008 Workers are still trying to repair a gate on a Connecticut River hydroelectric dam that had been stuck open for the last two weeks. via WCAX-TV Burlingtonhttp://www.topix.net/city/walpole-nh/2008/04/workers-repairing-gate-on-connecticut-river-d... Climbers beware of the trails of broken glass- April 28, 2008 "I put my hand down to support my weight and cut it in some glass." Issue date: 42408 Section: Opinions Last week I climbed Fall Mountain in Walpole, NH. via The Equinoxhttp://www.topix.net/city/walpole-nh/2008/04/climbers-beware-of-the-trails-of-broken-glass... A work of art- April 26, 2008 "A steeple is not typical at all (for Benson)" The new steeple on The Church on Main Street will be very different from the old steeple, which was struck by lightning last October, sending stone tumbling to the street below. via The Brattleboro Reformerhttp://www.topix.net/city/walpole-nh/2008/04/a-work-of-art?fromrss=1 Tri-Co. students wire DPW garage- April 24, 2008 "We learned how to do everything on the site" Nobody seems to want to work with their hands anymore, Dave Conley told a group of 10 or so high school juniors Thursday morning. via Httphttp://www.topix.net/city/walpole-nh/2008/04/tri-co-students-wire-dpw-garage?fromrss=1 Town boosted by land buyout- April 8, 2008 Fifty-two acres of farm and forest land on the Connecticut River once planned for development has instead been placed under the protection of a conservation easement. via WCAX-TV Burlingtonhttp://www.topix.net/city/walpole-nh/2008/04/town-boosted-by-land-buyout?fromrss=1 Walpole racers set to storm Heartbreak Hill- April 3, 2008 "It's something I've always wanted to do." Local runners who have been pounding the pavement in many cases since the windy, snowy, icy days of December can't stop now. via Httphttp://www.topix.net/city/walpole-nh/2008/04/walpole-racers-set-to-storm-heartbreak-hill?f... |