Ashland NewsLocal news for Ashland, MO continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Ashland alderwoman offers county a choice- June 30, 2008 Barb Bishop and her husband, Bernie Martin, pound the pavement at last week's Twilight Festival. Democratic candidates for assessor find plenty to disagree about- June 28, 2008 ' With less than six weeks until the Aug. 5 primary elections, the two Democratic candidates for Boone County assessor met for an old-school candidates' forum at the weekly Muleskinners luncheon on Friday. Wed.- June 21, 2008 Dry wall Volunteers yesterday discuss the placement of sandbags along the Mississippi River levee in Canton. State legislator Pauley recalled as honest, quiet- June 19, 2008 Jim Pauley, a longtime state legislator and community fixture in Ashland, died this morning. News Index For 20080613- June 18, 2008 Columbia police Officer Mark Brotemarkle handcuffs Damon A. Williams, 23, of Ashland yesterday after an hourlong standoff at the Eastwood Motel. Accused shooter in Bentley homicide arrested; police still looking for one suspect- June 16, 2008 ' The man accused of pulling the trigger in the fatal shooting of Nathaniel Bentley was arrested Thursday afternoon after an hour-long standoff with Columbia police at a motel on Business Loop 70 East. Standoff ends in arrest- June 14, 2008 Columbia police Officer Mark Brotemarkle handcuffs Damon A. Williams, 23, of Ashland yesterday as other officers keep their weapons pointed at the suspect after an hourlong standoff at the Eastwood Motel. 3 men arrested, 2 sought in connection with Bentley slaying- June 12, 2008 Three men were arrested Wednesday and warrants have been issued for the arrest of two others in connection with the slaying of Nathaniel Bentley, a Columbia police news release states. Stadium Boulevard extension plan leaves homeowners uncertain- June 6, 2008 ' Rustic Road is a winding, gravelly, mile-long pass that feels far removed from city life. Customers of former spa will get money back- June 4, 2008 When Spa 151 on the River closed without warning in late January, hundreds of customers were left holding worthless gift certificates and gift cards. |