UFO, Alien and other Science Fiction Articles and StoriesRead the latest information about unidentified flying objects, aliens, Roswell and other famous UFO sightings.UFOs And Angels: Are We Their Pets- May 30, 2006 It's a simple idea: If aliens can travel interstellar distances, they must be more advanced that us. If they are more advanced, by how much Well, it's physically impossible to drive a metallic object faster than the speed of light. You'd have to bypass the known laws of physics. To send a metal ship to another star using conventional fuels would take decades and exhaust planet Earth's resources. UFO and Angels Are We Their Petshttp://www.ufo-gifts.com/alien-pets.htm Aliens and Thoughts of Others- May 23, 2006 Man thoughts of life outside of their world ignite the imagination. Most feeling the fact of others would only hold validity through an actual visit by them or us between the worlds. The world demands physical evidence of those life forms existence. The reality of those others world is closer then one think. Aliens and Thoughts of Othershttp://www.ufo-gifts.com/aliens-thoughts-of-others.htm Overland Park UFO- May 16, 2006 It started out as a tiny star, barely a speck in the sky, at 10:37 p.m. approximately. A reddish colored dot, hardly noticeable until it began to change color as it get bigger, or closer, changing from red to blue to a bright red and finally to a true gold, not yellow, not orange, but a true gold as it became incredibly bright and huge. It was bright enough to cast a shadow, not like a ray or beam of light, but rather from an overall gold glow. Overland Park UFOhttp://www.ufo-gifts.com/overland-park-ufo.htm UFOs Fact or Fiction- May 9, 2006 Do you believe in life on other planets or have you perhaps seen something you can not explain Are you among those who claim to have seen a UFO and strongly believe that something alien did crash in Roswell all those years ago Well if so you are not alone because it is unbelievable how many people in this world have seen something unidentified flying across the sky. UFOs Fact or Fictionhttp://www.ufo-gifts.com/ufos-reality-or-fiction.htm |