Sterling NewsLocal news for Sterling, VA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Sheriff's office seeks car crash witnesses- June 29, 2008 Sheriff's office seeks car crash witnesses The Loudoun County Sheriff's Office put out an announcement Friday that investigators are seeking additional witnesses to a two-vehicle crash that seriously injured a ... Graduates look forward to future- June 27, 2008 Leesburg officials decided to hold off on making changes to the town's development review process, which could have enforced a ... Courtney Ashe throws confetti at the end of Dominion High School's graduation ... Briefs: Cooling assistance, board meeting, filmmakers, heard saying- June 26, 2008 Top By Jason Jacks Source: Loudoun Times-Mirror WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 2008 UPDATED THURSDAY, JUNE 26 2008 County accepting applications for cooling help The Loudoun County Department of Family Services is ... Smoking banned at Loudoun County schools- June 25, 2008 Leesburg officials decided to hold off on making changes to the town's development review process, which could have enforced a ... Graduates look forward to future This year, close to 3,000 students graduated ... Crime Blotter: Auto Thefts, Suspicious Man at 7-11- June 25, 2008 Authorities are investigating two incidents of stolen vehicles in Sterling and Ashburn, and a call about a suspicious man at a 7-11 in Sterling, according to a daily report from the Loudoun County Sheriff's ... Fake guns rise in popularity, risk- June 23, 2008 An alarm went off one night at Potowmack Elementary School in Sterling, Va., and a surveillance camera recorded the scene: five armed intruders in masks and hoods. Crime Blotter: Forced Entry, Bicycle Theft- June 22, 2008 Authorities are investigating an incident of forced entry near Leesburg and damage to several vehicles in Sterling, according to a daily report from the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office. Police Searching for Witnesses to Crash- June 20, 2008 Police are searching for additional witnesses to a two-car crash that seriously injured a motorcyclist on Thursday in Sterling. Islamic facility planned near Pleasant Valley- June 19, 2008 Over the past week, the 11,500 graduates of Fairfax County high schools have tossed their caps in the air, marking ... Suspect sought in prescription fraud, burglary Fairfax County Crime Solvers is asking for ... Loudoun Activists Find New Campaign- June 18, 2008 A Loudoun County community that had been a target of last year's regional effort to cut down on illegal immigration is again the center of a county cleanup campaign. |