Virginia City NewsLocal news for Virginia City, MT continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Ranchers sue over bison management- May 29, 2008 Two ranchers and a statewide ranching group are taking the Montana Department of Livestock to court, insisting that it remove all bison from the Horse Butte Peninsula north of West Yellowstone. Glacier Brewing: A Taste of the Wild West- May 13, 2008 "We are family friendly and encourage people to bring their kids" When you drive up the main street of Polson to Glacier Brewing, you get a little flashback to the Wild West. via NewWest Rockies on a Tank of Gas Part 3- May 11, 2008 With two trips down, and two to go, I set out for my farthest journey to date when I headed north to Montana to see the living ghost town, Virginia City. via KIDK-TV Idaho Falls Coming to DVD: Errol Flynn Westerns- May 9, 2008 Here's a look at another of the great releases coming out next August 26, Errol Flynn Westerns. via Laura's Miscellaneous Musings Ron James presents lecture on Mark Twain; Muscle Powered walk at Clear Creek- May 7, 2008 Muscle Powered Walk from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at Clear Creek. Meet leader Donna Inversin at the Costco parking lot on Clear Creek Road. via Nevada Appeal |