Valier NewsLocal news for Valier, MT continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Airport authority gives go ahead on creating tax increment fund- March 26, 2008 The Great Falls Airport Authority voted Tuesday to hire consultants to help create an industrial tax increment fund, or TIF, district that would help funnel some of the taxes from new development at the airport ... via Great Falls Tribune Condos are catching on- March 24, 2008 "I spent enough time doing gardening and what not." Cory Crawford and his wife decided to buy a condominium because they liked the idea of not having to shovel the walks, mow the lawn or do any of the exterior maintenance. via Great Falls Tribune History comes alive in Fort Benton- March 15, 2008 "Boil it, and you've got your cowboy coffee." FORT BENTON - Former President Abraham Lincoln made a stop in Fort Benton on Thursday. via Great Falls Tribune |