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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for February 2008

Stedman News

Local news for Stedman, NC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.

Three meth lab arrests made - February 25, 2008

"I'm grateful to the various agencies, especially the volunteer firemen and EMS personnel, that assisted with locating and dismantling the lab" Three people, all with previous drug-related convictions, have been arrested in connection with the discovery of a methamphetamine lab on Hobbton Highway, the seventh such lab found by local authorities this ... via Sampson Independent

Eclipse photo gallery - February 21, 2008

The last total lunar eclipse until 2010 occurred Wednesday night, and photographers from around the world captured the event: This sequence of six photos shows the moon during an eclipse seen from Panama City ... via KOMO-TV Seattle

Three arrested for theft in Cumberland - February 14, 2008

Cumberland County Sheriff's deputies have arrested three people, including a teen, for a rash of car break-ins in the Stedman area. via

When Grandparents become parents - February 2, 2008

"What is needed in this difficult situation is a navigator" On a typical school morning, Cheryl Smith, 54, awakens at 5 a.m., drinks her coffee, says her prayers and makes breakfast for Sha-Mya, 7, Kahliel, 8, Kristina, 10, Tremaine, 13, Torey, 15 and Stedman, 17. via North Denver News
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