Austin Bloggers: Austin MetablogArticles about Austin, blogged by our members.Texas Housing Market Update- (Found July 5, 2008 ) Nationally communities still reeling as foreclosure rates rise and as mortgage defaults and foreclosures continue to rise, the impact is... (via Home Mortgage Loan Blog) Does Austin Have an Illegal Immigration Problem- (Found July 5, 2008 ) Regina asks, "Is illegal immigration as big of a problem in Austin as it is here in CA" Your opinion (via About Austin, TX) Austin Commercial Real Estate Development- (Found July 5, 2008 ) The state of Texas is known for wide open spaces and big skies. The residents of Texas do not want... (via Austin Commecial Real Estate) More Photos of Gobi at Plush- (Found July 5, 2008 ) A follow-up to the live review of Gobis 619 show at Plush. Here are a bunch more photos taken by... (via Austin Soundcheck) Austin Real Estate Statistics for May- (Found July 5, 2008 ) First the May Facts & Figures for the Austin real estate market, active listings are up 1756 from last year.... (via Late Night Austin Real Estate Observations) You don't suppose Judge James Nowlin is a UT alum- (Found July 5, 2008 ) Federal judge uses football-based reasoning to order deposition on Texas-Arkansas state line. (via Grits for Breakfast) Leatherbag at Cactus Cafe: 6-25-08- (Found July 5, 2008 ) Leatherbag and Dana Falconberry each played at Cactus Cafe Wednesday. It was mellow but great, check out the photos.... (via Sounds Like Austin) Austin Green Internet Iniative Falls Short- (Found July 5, 2008 ) Austin has recognized the value of social media through the Internet but has failed to capitalize on the benefits it... (via Mahargdom) Free Jack in the Box Day!- (Found July 5, 2008 ) Yes, thats right kids. If you saw my tweet earlier, or have been to Jack in the Box, you know... (via Steaksinthemail) Keep Austin Weird Fest- (Found July 5, 2008 ) Its a race that has Amys Ice Cream as a water stop and allows dogs! Dreams do come true. The... (via This is Life in Austin) |