Austin Bloggers: Austin MetablogArticles about Austin, blogged by our members.APD Chief: Pro or Con- (Found July 5, 2008 ) Austin police say there are more robberies Downtown than in any other part of the city...yeah so what are they... (via Translucence) Do512 is looking for local artists- (Found July 5, 2008 ) Do512 loves all things Austin and in our continuous effort to help local artists shine, we want to start including... (via Do512) Win a FREE month of Shows from Do512- (Found July 5, 2008 ) That's right, Do512 is giving one winner a full month of free tickets to every show in August at Emo's,... (via Do512) Vintage Mecca- (Found July 5, 2008 ) La Luz Home and Fashion and Prototype Vintage are planning to merge into one vintage mega-store. The two will combine... (via This is Life in Austin) Swedes Invade Elysium Thursday Night- (Found July 5, 2008 ) What do Ikea, Shout Out Louds, The Knife, Jens Lekman and Peter, Bjorn & John have in common Theyre not... (via Austin Soundcheck) Austin Java Cries Foul, and has Photos- (Found July 5, 2008 ) Bit of follow up on the Austin Java vs Marcia Bell debate... (via Sounds Like Austin) Los Bad Apples - The Belmont - July 4, 2008- (Found July 5, 2008 ) From the I bet she does the Superman department... Thanks to Anita Benner for the heads up! Los Bad Apples,... (via Austin Hip-Hop Scene) Recommended Show - Fleet Foxes The Mohawk - 7.2.2008 - 8 p.m.- (Found July 5, 2008 ) Fleet Foxes will appear at the Mohawk tomorrow night. If you dont know this band yet, for the love of... (via On Deaf Ears) Biking for Beginners: My Trip to Jack and Adams- (Found July 5, 2008 ) I need a bike. I want to commute places, and I want to compete in triathlons. Apparently, I need two... (via This is Life in Austin) Review: Thai Passion- (Found July 5, 2008 ) Another hidden gem on Congress! (Like Silhouette Sushi) After wandering around Congress for an hour or so looking for somewhere... (via This is Life in Austin) |