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Im going to win Ozlotto- April 29, 2008 Tonights the night. There is a $40000000 (yup, thats forty million dollars) jackpot tonight and the planets have all aligned. One of my work mates (AndrewG) had a dream about me (scary isn&39;t it!) a few weeks ago. In the dream we both both bought a lotto ticket together, it was a winner, and although the details were a bit sketchy, an amount of $10000000 (ten million dollars) was mentioned. Coincidently there was a $10M jackpot that week. That must have meant we were going to win so we bought.http://www.tasweb.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=273&Itemid=999... Momo Racing fix- April 13, 2008 I have a Logitech Momo Racing force feedback steering wheel that I use with my computer as well as my Playstation3. I know, it&39;s a bit daggy for a grown man to be playing with pretend steering wheels, but I&39;m not scared to admit that I find simulation type racing games a whole heap of fun! My mate Randal got me into it in the first place. A few of us lug our computers round to his place once every few months and we all race each other on a very realistic simulation game called GTR2...http://www.tasweb.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=272&Itemid=999... Free stuff - Free FHM magazinze- April 8, 2008 Here is a good freebie, especially if you are an Aussie male. Head on over to http:thenewfhm.com.au, fill in your details and they will send you a free copy of this months magazine. How cool is that. If they run out of full magazines then they will send you a 28 page sampler, but they will email you when next months offer comes out or with any other future freebie give aways. You just can&39;t beat something for nothing. Thanks FHM!http://www.tasweb.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=271&Itemid=999... The weird stuff just keeps on keeping on- April 7, 2008 I can&39;t believe the twists and turns that my life keeps on taking. Last weekend I had a lounge room full of pretty girls, but they were all way too young for me. Emma had a sleep over pool party at our new place! The trouble was the pool maintenance guy had been told to turn the pool heater off at the end of daylight savings and he forgot that it ended a week later this year so the pool was freezing. Swimming was canceled and replaced with a "Bring It On" movie...http://www.tasweb.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=270&Itemid=999... The wind Gods were angry- April 3, 2008 Last night was one of the craziest nights of my life. Someone upset the wind God&39;s and so they unleashed all of their fury on Hobart like I have never seen before. I&39;ve had some sleepless nights laying at anchor in our yacht off a rocky unfamiliar shore with a howling gale blowing outside whilst listening to the anchor chain dragging over the rocks, but last night was much worse and I spent most of it tucked up in bed at home. It was windy (we have already established that) and..http://www.tasweb.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=269&Itemid=999... |