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Feed items 1 - 7 of 7 for July 2005

The Digital Tavern - for the sake of clarity

Allan Karl's Blog -There are no strangers here.<br>Only friends you haven't met.

Where The Pavement Ends - July 30, 2005

"You must be the bravest man in Oregon," he said to me after pulling off my helmet. "Huh" I ripped the earplugs from my ears. "You must be the bravest man in Oregon," he repeated as his wife and another elderly couple walked toward me. "Oh really. Why's that" I asked flattered but confused and wondering did I do something crazy on the road that these folks saw earlier, or even yesterday "To come up that road on this," he said pointing to my motorcycle, "didn't you see the sheer drop offs...

Crater Lake - July 30, 2005

When one think of travel perhaps the feeling of letting go, freeing up your mind and the ultimate temporary relief of stress. Unless you travel for business, of course. But I'm talking about vacation. It's vacation time that stirs wanderlust in the minds of most of us. For some this might be umbrella drinks on some tropical beach, for others it might be hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, mountain climbing or fishing. No matter your escape, it should give you peace from the speed of everyday...

(Untitled) - July 30, 2005

I'm up much earlier today than yesterday, but I'm going to spend time this morning gathering those loose items I through into my top box and stuffed into pockets and cavities on my or the bike before leaving John's yesterday. Today's plan is simple. Get to Crater Lake and then move toward's Bend, Oregon where I will adore three sisters. Mountains that is. Faith. Hope. And Charity. Back is a little sore this morning. Don't know if it was the hotel mattress of the nearly 300 miles of riding...

he Not So Secret Handshake - July 30, 2005

The Not So Secret Handshake There are no dues, no terms and conditions, no regular or formal meetings but when you ride a motorcycle you join a club, a fraternal organization of men, women, boys and girls who share only one common activity - they ride a motorcycle. Don't get me wrong. ONe doesn't have to OWN a motorcycle to be in this club. No, one merely needs to ride a motorcycle. You could be a member for one day or a lifetime. While there are no club rules, each member share a common...

On The Road Again - July 26, 2005

Long goodbyes. You know the kind. There's always something to be said, a hug to share or a bit of sage advice your bound to give or receive when you leave someone.j Whether you're heading to the grocery store, back home or around the world. As my possession slowly transformed from loose belongings strewn around John's garage, house and office to neatly packed modules on my motorcycle we all realized my days were numbered and I'd soon have to depart Southern Humboldt to do what I set out nearly..

When The Digital Tavern Turns To WorldRider - July 20, 2005

Ever dream about taking time off to see the world Yeah, me too. So have you been wondering what's up with Allan and his pathetic lack of posting on the Digital Tavern for the past several months Sorry for the lack of content for the last few months, but I've been busy planning the big trip. I've actually been planning this journey for more than two years. Fact is, last week I packed up some of my belongings, sold my car, rented my house and left Southern California on my motorcycle. I'm...

WorldRider Posts From First Week - July 20, 2005

June 30, 2005 The countdown begins. Not that the last two years of planning, reading, dreaming and anticipating havenbase 't served as a slow burning fuse leading up to d-day. But today Ibase 'm homeless. Someone strange has moved into my house. Now this feels real. I stood staring at the few bags and boxes sitting on my driveway. Filled with either stuff that will be packed on my motorcycle or things representing stragglers and fragments from closing up my life in Southern California still...
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