W3C Math HomeW3C Math HomeBlogging maths with MathML and Movable Type- February 10, 2005 Jacques Distler has adapted MovableType into a MathML publishing platform. With the help of a plugin, TeX equations in weblog entries and in comments are automatically converted to MathML. Technical details are on his weblog. The String Coffee Table is another weblog making extensive use of this technology.http://www.w3.org/Math/Overview.html#item46 New Software Page- February 7, 2005 The W3C Math Interest Group announces the new MathML software list. Now all items are organised either by name or by type of software, making browsing easier. It also looks slightly better... To submit a description your software, please refer to the "sumbmitting a description of your software" page.http://www.w3.org/Math/Overview.html#item45 |