Stickses and StoriesStickses and Stories - October 27, 2007 Hullo! For this weeks Recs we want to remind everyone that Challenge 45 is posted at last! A late story has just gone up, Turning Points - Chapter One by Cathleen!You will also find these terrific stories there:The Great Hobbiton Race of 1435 - Chapter Eight Please! Not Another Bloody Moot! by Llinos To Isengard by PipMer Before Luck Runs Out by Marigold The Ernil i Pheriannath Takes a Bath by GreyWonderer A Moot Subject by Pearl Took A Treasured Piece of Cloth by... Challenge 45! Posted At Last! : )- October 23, 2007 At long last, here is Challenge 45! Thank you to everyone for being so very patient! Between finishing up my training for my new job and barely surviving my first week of actually doing it, I haven't had any time at all to even answer my e-mail since just after ScotMoot. The past six days I have been doing nothing but going to or coming from work, actually working, or having a bit of sleep in between. Many, many thanks to Llinos who has been acting as my taxi service when.. An Important Announcement from your Train Controller- October 21, 2007 llinos here, not marigoldg X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X Your Story Conductor wishes to apologise for the late arrival of Challenge 45. This is due to a malfunction on the Heathrow to Paddington line, which is causing delays, owing to the wrong type of working patterns.The Challenge, which is now standing on platform 45, is due to depart on Tuesday at the very latest.Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible and passengers are asked to be patient during these... Hullo!- October 20, 2007 I just wanted to take a minute to say hullo to everyone! I know that several folks are waiting for me to answer e-mails and that Llinos and I haven't yet posted the last Challenge or announced the theme for the next one, and I apologise for all of those things!I started my new job this week, playing with "life-sized train sets" as Pearl call it, lol! And it is so incredibly exhausting and stressful that I have done nothing but work, travel to and from work, and fall into bed!Every minute.. Very Late Recommendations!- October 5, 2007 Quick note from Marigold - Many apologies, especially to Pearl! I just noticed that this was locked Private and that I hadn't unlocked it for Pearl! So here are some late Recs to tide you all over until Llinos and I can get the Challenge posted! Sorry!Greetings on my last week doing Marigold's Recommendations!Pearl Took here one last time. I'm cheating a wee bit this week and doing three stories. I've really enjoyed looking about for these stories to recommend, finding ones I had... |