Too Many Cooksdelicious brothcomment spam- August 29, 2006 Argh! Too much spam! Some of you may have noticed, hopefully some of you were spared. I've done 2 things... October- August 26, 2006 I'm going to New Zealand in October and wouldn't mind getting together with whoever's in Wellington. I propose lunch on... Fancy that- August 14, 2006 The calendar on my blog seems to link to Jan's blog entries. Go on. Try it. There's something creepily Alice... movable comments- August 13, 2006 Yup, I'm moving the comments script again. If you will all be so kind as to rebuild your sites in... packet size- August 9, 2006 On attempting to add the latest spam infestation to the blacklist I got this message: An error occurred: Could not... |