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Appalachian School of Law Shootings

News Stories in the week after the Appalachian School of Law Shootings

The Associated Press State & Local Wire - (Found June 19, 2008 )

A student who had been dismissed from law school went on a shooting spree Wednesday, killing the school&8217;s dean, a professor and a student before other students tackled him, officials said. Three students, including one from Kentucky, were injured in the hail of gunfire. L. Anthony Sutin, dean of the Appalachian School of Law, and Professor Thomas Blackwell were gunned down in their offices, according to school officials. The third person slain was student Angela Dales, 33, of Vansant, said.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur - (Found June 19, 2008 )

Three people were shot dead, including two faculty members, at a law school in Grundy, Virginia, CNN broadcaster reported Wednesday. The shooting occurred at the Appalachian School of Law, where another three people were injured by the shots. dpa pr

CNN Wolf Blitzer Reports 19:00 - (Found June 19, 2008 )

THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. WOLF BLITZER, ANCHOR: Tonight on WOLF BLITZER REPORTS: THE WAR ROOM, more al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners arrive at the U.S. base in Cuba. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) DONALD RUMSFELD, SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: We are looking at all of those people and asking them a great many questions. (END VIDEO CLIP) BLITZER: Where are their leaders What do they know about Taliban American John Walker And what do they know about alleged..

CNN Live Today 10:00 - (Found June 19, 2008 )

THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. JUDY WOODRUFF, CNN ANCHOR: We now have the first pictures coming in from southwest Virginia, where a gunman has killed three people and wounded three others during a shooting spree at the Appalachian School of Law. The dean of the school was among those killed. The dean, named L. Anthony Sutton, was a former acting assistant U.S. attorney general, and we are told he was also chief counsel for Al Gore&8217;s...

CBS Evening News (6:30 PM ET) - CBS - (Found June 19, 2008 )

JOHN ROBERTS, anchor: A doctor who responded to a shooting at a Virginia law school today says when he arrived, there were bodies lying everywhere. It happened at the Appalachian School of Law in the Blue Ridge Mountain town of Grundy. Three people were killed, including the school&8217;s dean, and three others wounded before students tackled the suspect. He is described as a student from Nigeria, angered over poor grades.

Broadcast News (BN) - (Found June 19, 2008 )

GRUNDY, Virginia&8212;A gunman killed three people and wounded three others during a shooting rampage at a lawschool in Grundy, Virginia. The dead include a student, a faculty member and the dean of the Appalachian School of Law. State police believe students apprehended the suspect. The weapon was a .380-calibre semi-automatic handgun. Three wounded students were taken to hospital. The law school, with an enrolment of about 170 students, opened in 1997 in a renovated junior high school in this.

Broadcast News (BN) - (Found June 19, 2008 )

GRUNDY, Virginia&8212;More school violence in the United States, this time in Grundy, Virginia. Officials say a gunman has killed three people and wounded three others during a shooting rampage at the Appalachian School of Law. Among the dead is the dean. A spokeswoman says a student and another member of the faculty were also killed. She says state police believe students apprehended a suspect. The weapon was a .380 semi-automatic handgun. Grundy is in the Appalachian foothills, 190 kilometres.

Broadcast News (BN) - (Found June 19, 2008 )

GRUNDY, Virginia&8212;There has been another school shooting in the United States. Police in Virginia say as many as six people have been shot at the Appalachian School of Law.

Associated Press Worldstream - (Found June 19, 2008 )

A struggling Nigerian law school student went on a campus shooting spree, killing the dean, a professor and a student before he was tackled by students, authorities said. The attack also wounded three students at the Appalachian School of Law. Two were in surgery Wednesday evening and the third was listed in fair condition. &8220;When I got there there were bodies laying everywhere,&8221; said Dr. Jack Briggs, who was one of the first to arrive after the shooting in this tiny mountain community.

Associated Press Online - (Found June 19, 2008 )

A student who had been dismissed from law school went on a campus shooting spree Wednesday, killing the dean, a professor and a student before he was tackled by students, authorities said. The attack also wounded three female students at the Appalachian School of Law. They were hospitalized in fair condition. &8220;When I got there there were bodies laying everywhere,&8221; said Dr. Jack Briggs, one of the first to arrive after the shooting in this tiny mountain community in western...
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