Appalachian School of Law ShootingsNews Stories in the week after the Appalachian School of Law ShootingsThe Associated Press State & Local Wire- (Found June 19, 2008 ) Ted Besen glares over the crumbs of his sandwich, still angry about the former classmate who police say killed his school&8217;s dean, a professor and another student in a shooting that shattered the peace of this tiny coal town. &8220;You just feel violated somehow,&8221; Besen, 37, said Tuesday at a restaurant near the Appalachian School of Law. The former Marine and police officer was one of several students who charged Peter Odighizuwa, tackling him on the school&8217;s front lawn, after... The Associated Press State & Local Wire- (Found June 19, 2008 ) Two students wounded in a shooting rampage at the Appalachian School of Law last week have been released from a hospital. Rebecca Brown, 38, of Roanoke, and Martha Madeline Short, 37, of Clintwood, were discharged Sunday from Wellmont Holston Valley Medical Center in Kingsport, Tenn., said hospital spokeswoman Amy Stevens. A third student, Stacey Beans, 22, of Paducah, Ky., was upgraded from fair to good condition. Stevens said all three were expected to make a full recovery. The school&8217;s.. The Associated Press State & Local Wire- (Found June 19, 2008 ) Stacey Beans plans to be home in a couple of days to recuperate before returning later this semester to the Virginia law school where she was shot last week, her mother said. &8220;It&8217;s been positive just watching her,&8221; Bobbie Wrinkle said of her daughter who was released from Wellmont Bristol Regional Medical Center in Bristol, Tenn. Two other students injured Rebecca Brown, 38, of Roanoke, Va., and Martha Madeline Short, 37, of Clintwood, Va., were discharged Sunday from Wellmont... The Associated Press- (Found June 19, 2008 ) It seemed like a risky proposition: building a law school in a small struggling coal town isolated by the rugged Appalachian Mountains. But with area mines closing and the young moving away to find work, town officials pushed ahead, opening the Appalachian School of Law in 1997 inside an old brick school house. &8220;We needed this, anything that could help,&8221; said W.H. Trivett, 77, mayor of the blue-collar town of about 1,100. It took time for the new students to gain acceptance in the... The Associated Press State & Local Wire- (Found June 19, 2008 ) It seemed like a risky proposition: building a law school in a small struggling coal town isolated by the rugged Appalachian Mountains. But with area mines closing and the young moving away to find work, town officials pushed ahead, opening the Appalachian School of Law in 1997 inside an old brick school house. &8220;We needed this, anything that could help,&8221; said W.H. Trivett, 77, mayor of the blue-collar town of about 1,100. It took time for the new students to gain acceptance in the... The Associated Press State & Local Wire- (Found June 19, 2008 ) It seemed like a risky proposition: building a law school in a small struggling coal town isolated by the rugged Appalachia Mountains. But with area mines closing and the young moving away to find work, town officials pushed ahead, opening the Appalachian School of Law in 1997 inside an old brick school house. &8220;We needed this, anything that could help,&8221; said W.H. Trivett, 77, mayor of the blue-collar town of about 1,100. It took time for the new students - many from neighboring West... The Associated Press State & Local Wire- (Found June 19, 2008 ) It seemed like a risky proposition: building a law school in a small struggling coal town isolated by the rugged Appalachian Mountains. But with area mines closing and the young moving away to find work, town officials pushed ahead, opening the Appalachian School of Law in 1997 inside an old brick school house. &8220;We needed this, anything that could help,&8221; said W.H. Trivett, 77, mayor of the blue-collar town of about 1,100. It took time for the new students to gain acceptance in the... The Washington Post- (Found June 19, 2008 ) Neither of them was from Grundy, a small, struggling town in far southwest Virginia. L. Anthony Sutin was a former Justice Department official and Harvard Law School graduate from Washington. Peter Odighizuwa, born in Nigeria, was an ex-cabbie, late of Chicago. Both Sutin and Odighizuwa came to Grundy because of the Appalachian School of Law, a start-up school in a refurbished junior high building that was intended to bring outsiders to the depressed coal-mining area. Sutin was the... Roanoke Times & World News (Roanoke, VA)- (Found June 19, 2008 ) Spring semester was one week old, and the Appalachian School of Law was returning to full academic life. At a weekly coffee meeting for students and faculty, professor Thomas Blackwell chatted with first-year student Mikael Gross about practice exams. Anthony Sutin, dean of the school, finished some research at the law library and headed back to his office. Student Angela Dales talked with classmates during a break between classes. Everyone at the school was busy and preoccupied with the work... Richmond Times Dispatch (Virginia)- (Found June 19, 2008 ) When trouble comes to Grundy, the people don&8217;t quit, they get tough. So it&8217;s no surprise that the Appalachian School of Law, built on a sliver of the town&8217;s precious flat land, is vowing to come back better and stronger after a shooting rampage Wednesday left three people dead on campus. Begun in Grundy five years ago in the hope of relieving the area&8217;s economic troubles, the law school now finds itself dealing with a calamity just as the little mountain town has dealt with.. |