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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for July 2008

The Scotsman - Leaders


NHS will have great challenges to meet - July 5, 2008

TODAY marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the National Health Service. The creation of a state-funded, comprehensive health insurance system is one of the great soci

VAT man can't take a pop at Pringles - July 5, 2008

IT'S official. Pringles, the popular snack food in a tube, are not potato crisps, a High Court judge has ruled. This means they are not subject to VAT because they are now

Voters deserve due consideration - July 5, 2008

THE Glasgow East by-election will be a short one polling is in less than three weeks but it is likely to prove a memorable one. Already the main candidates are in place an

MoD contract brightens the gathering gloom - July 4, 2008

YESTERDAY, after nearly a decade of prolonged debate and bureaucratic vacillation, the MoD finally signed on the dotted line the contract to purchase the Royal Navy's two

Tough times need true leadership - July 4, 2008

THE economic news over the past few days has been dire. For the first time, the twin economic crises credit crunch and accelerating oil and commodity inflation have inflic

End of life in the fast lane - July 4, 2008

FORMULA 1 racing takes place at the edge of danger, so it is no accident that many drivers are taciturn characters wedded to the job rather than to getting their pictures in t
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- July (6 items)
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