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Feed items 1 - 10 of 21 for July 2008

The Scotsman - Letters


Linguistic mix-up - July 5, 2008

Scots is a language which developed from Anglian, the northern dialect of Anglo-Saxon, which was spoken in the lands between the Forth and the Humber.

Faded grandeur - July 5, 2008

While Bill Jamieson was correct on several issues concerning his cruise on steamship Sir Walter Scott, he has been economical with the truth on other issues (Between the

Greed - July 5, 2008

We pay our MSPs such a pittance that they need an extra 30 a day payment to make sure they get enough to eat (your report, 26 June). I wish I had 30 a day to spend

Keep buses moving - July 5, 2008

With bus lanes proving so successful, buses might now be given some longitudinal priority where their timetables are wrecked by roadworks. I suggest, 50m ahead of a crucial ro

Learning respect for life - July 5, 2008

With reports of youth violence almost a daily occurrence, some good news might be timely. In addition to my civilian parish of Berwick, I am also privileged to serve as chapla

Heading for Canada - July 5, 2008

Bravo Canada for inviting more Britons to settle there. Canada would become slightly more British, and that is something we could take pride in. Britishness is not geographic

Care needed on FoI plan - July 5, 2008

Proposals by the Scottish Government to extend Freedom of Information legislation to cover more organisations carrying out certain public functions (your report, 30 June&

Ban animal mutilations - July 4, 2008

I am sure Dan Buglass did not mean to be flippant or inhumane when he described the tail-docking of 15 million young lambs, without anaesthetic or analgesia, as a "slight

Donations - July 4, 2008

Dr Douglas Lester is quite wrong to assert that "it is worse openly to accept 500,000 from... Brian Souter than secretly to accept a paltry 950 from a... Channel Islande

Seize this chance - July 4, 2008

Your extracts from Fire In The Night (21, 23 and 24 June) must have stirred many emotions: enduring sadness among those who lost dear ones and pride for those connect
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- July (21 items)
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