AOE <> Scanner- May 18, 2007 When trying to install my Visioneer 9120 Scanner, I got this weird error:,guid,66edae2d-55a0-4daa-98ba-da83595e1b88.... Canon CR2 Codec Memory Leak- May 17, 2007 Running Vista, I have installed the Canon provided RAW codec for CR2 format. It allows you view those files natively. I was browsing through a folder of pictures. I noticed that it got slower and slower as I went through the pages. Eventually, it gave me an out of memory error. I didn't have anything else open. I brought up Task Manager and saw that I had memory left. I closed the picture viewer and just watched the memory get reclaimed in about 20..,guid,283e7cfa-3469-4d62-975c-2fc808b59249.... Lightroom import fails in Vista- May 17, 2007 I tried to import pictures for the first time in Lightroom on my new Vista machine. I kept on getting the mysterious: "Problem with Importing Files - the file was not imported. Could not copy a file to the requested location." At first I thought it was my card reader. I got a brand new, built in one. But I was able to read the files directly. So I tried copying the files to my desktop and importing them from there. I got the same error. I...,guid,6bb8df0f-b9d3-45ab-b5b6-d3fc9150bda3.... Blowout- May 6, 2007 The other day my wife had a tire blowout. She doesn't think she hit anything. Nonetheless, it was a loud "explosion." Fortunately, she was only driving about 40 MPH and could immediately pull over. As you can see below, a huge 4" gash was in the sidewall.,guid,15ae71be-48ee-4c4c-8fa7-dd90940f7865.... Fraud Alert- May 6, 2007 Last night I ordered a new computer. I haven't upgraded for several was time. I ordered it from and paid for it with Discover Card. They have this feature called Secured Online Account Numbers. It is pretty nice. You log in and get new credit card number for each vendor that you pay online. That number is only good at the vendor. I did that last night. This morning, I tried to use my card and it got rejectedflagged. I also.,guid,676dcce7-0126-4296-8932-b7f10e797978.... |