Things I Know I Know...of Dogs, Dreams, and DemocracyMostly...- January 31, 2008 I am in the process of moving over here. What I do with this space is still up in the air (because I could mirror things over here, but I'm not sure why since almost everyone who readsread here is on LJ already). If you have some deep abiding antipathy to LiveJournal, now would be the time to speak :-) Miscellany- January 28, 2008 --Why do I insist on writing about things I don't know anything about Like South Dakota and Afghanistan and burning down tool sheds. On the other hand, I now know how to actually win a fist fight. So, that's good. --It was above freezing today! From noon until, Awesome! --Blue and Billie and I went tracking. Blue is an awesome little tracking maniac. I believe it's because of the lime-green harness. If I ever remember to take my camera, I will post pictures. --I want to... How to Hide Your Heart- January 21, 2008 My story, How to Hide Your Heart, is up at Strange Horizons: He barely notices Beth in the bar, thin as a stick, clothesoh, Jesus, her clothestoo-small cotton blouse with faded calico flowers, brown knit pants that slop over thick-soled black shoes. She has straw-colored hair pulled back flat with metal barrettes, a faded plain face that doesn't show well alongside the other girls she's with. I had other updates of interest I was going to post with this, but now have forgotten what they were.. Puppy! And a few other things...- January 12, 2008 ..and some more pictures if you follow this link. Blue is growing like a weed. Last week I tried on his new tracking harness (it is an awesome lime green, BTW) and it was way too big for him, even cinched up as small as it would go. This week it fits. He is pretty much house-broken (though not completely--as he proved today). He is the worst counter-surfer I have ever seen. He runs upstairs two or three times a day just to see if he can reach the stuff on the back of the bathroom sink... Me and the Novel- January 11, 2008 Me: My god, this is the suckiest writing ever in the history of suck Novel: ... Also, there are no puppies in this post. But soon! Because I have a whole bunch of new pictures to upload and we have started tracking and Blue has learned many new things and he his HUGE! and...hmmm, apparently this is a post about puppies after all. |