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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for December 2007

Things I Know I Know

...of Dogs, Dreams, and Democracy

Someday I will have a post that is not about puppies - December 23, 2007

...but today is not that day. It's really, really cold here today, though we didn't get the snow that they'd predicted. I have no great plans for the holidays so spent yesterday and today catching up on things, working on final revisions to a couple of short stories, and trying to get the novel into some kind of shape so I can just write away on it in the new year. ETA: Oh yeah, more new pictures if you want to see them.

The Catching Up Post - December 20, 2007

In my head, it's been far less long since I've updated. So, the puppy is still full of awesome: He's actually bigger than that now, but I'm too lazy to pull the newest pictures off the camera (which would involve getting off the couch) so you can't see them until at least tomorrow. For the first time in a billion trillion years, I have baked Christmas cookies, because it turns out if you're not in any kind of hurry at all, you can bake cookies and keep track of what a really fast puppy is..
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