Things I Know I Know...of Dogs, Dreams, and DemocracyA Puppy in your Lap...- November 25, 2007 how everyone should spend the holiday weekend. Spent Friday making puppy visits, yesterday at a dog show, and today we went for a walk in the park. Otherwise, I have been pondering novel developments and think I'm starting to get a handle on who my main character is, what she wants, and what she's going to have to do to get there. I hope this will translate soon into words on the page (although, let me tell you it ain't easy typing with a puppy in your lap). Today's Grocery Store Conversation- November 22, 2007 My grocery total is $36.63 Checkout kid: Hey your total's a palindrome! Me: I think I should get a discount. Checkout Kid: if I were in charge you'd get a 75% discount! Grocery Bagging Kid: But if you actually did that, people would come to the store and buy palindromic amounts of groceries and you'd have to give them all 75% discounts! Checkout Kid: Nah, figuring the taxes would totally mess them up. Puppy! Part Three- November 16, 2007 Okay, a few more puppy pictures here. They're a bit better than yesterday's. Puppy! Part Two- November 15, 2007 We got back around 5:30 PM. Blue rode pretty well on the way home. He settled quickly and only got fussy when he needed to stop so all in all it was a pretty good trip. He was sort of a wild man in the house, which I put down to being tired and all new stuff and just general puppy wildness. But he's asleep in his crate right next to me right now so here's hoping he continues to alternate between wild and asleep, which I can handle (I think). Anyway, I don't have any really good pictures,. Puppy!- November 14, 2007 Off in a bit with Billie to pick up the new puppy. I will post pictures tonight or tomorrow Updates (Mostly about Dogs)- November 8, 2007 This past weekend, Billie and I went to Omaha to participate in a tracking test. The test was at the Chalco Hill Recreation Area which is an awesome 1200 acre park right up next to I80. Our hotel was right off the interstate and Chalco more or less backed up to it. There's a lake in the middle, lots of walkingbiking trails but also lots and lots of natural areas--knee-high to waist-high cover, trees, and brush. Billie and I were catalog 6 and drew track 1. It was bright and cool (30s)... |