Willy Dobbe - This Blog should have been an instrumental, but the words got in the way. [Blog of Bert Boerland][NL/UK] Home of the spelling-gods.Do not ask someone what CMS they are running- June 26, 2008 Do not ask someone what CMS they running. If they are using Drupal they will tell you, if not why insult them — bert boerlandhttp://willy.boerland.com/myblog/do_not_ask_someone_what_cms_they_are_running OpenSource and clouds- June 23, 2008 There are two big trends in ICT; Service a a Service (SaaS) and Open Source Software (OSS). And I do think those two go hand in hand and are reflecting changes that are coming towards the ICT landscape. When I say "hand in hand", I do mean that they are complementary (like people are in a relationship) but also that the are in contrast of each other (like in many relationships). It is my opinion that you either outsource (parts of your) IT activities, or build the solution yourself. You will...http://willy.boerland.com/myblog/opensource_and_clouds DrupalSong, call for video with your kids- June 21, 2008 The infamous Drupalsong; good, bad and young. And the young people seem to like it a lot better then some of the parents; it attracts children like a magnet and they can hear it a 100 times it seems. My kids sing it along and like it a lot. Based upon a discussion on elvisblogs I thought about making a remix of all the young Drupalaars singing, spinning and dancing along the Drupalsong. So if you have a camera and a Drupalsong crazy kid and are willing to release the video under the Creative...http://willy.boerland.com/myblog/drupalsong_call_for_video_with_your_kids Forrester brings Drupal in the boardroom- June 21, 2008 Selling Drupal. Not a contradiction but not as easy as selling a license of a proprietary CMS. Selling something that is "free" (gratis) seems like an odd idea to many. So how do we get our beloved Drupal CMS spread in a broader range that home blogs, new media sites and the like Well, some prospects have functional requirements for their CMS like "It has to start with a D and end with Drupal". Usually there is a passionate user somewhere in the ICT department that convinced some people to go..http://willy.boerland.com/myblog/forrester_brings_drupal_in_the_boardroom Ik haal Brecht van school- June 19, 2008 Ik haal Brecht van school. Ze ziet me eerst niet en loopt met haar vriendje (Brecht heeft geen vriendinnetjes!) handje in handje uit school. Dan ziet ze me, laat haar nieuwe vlam los, en vliegt me in de armen. Liefde!http://willy.boerland.com/myblog/ik_haal_brecht_van_school Retro Art- June 18, 2008 I really like the new retro art like the above radio transitor as well as the rest of the retro artshttp://willy.boerland.com/myblog/retro_art Usual suspects... with a new kid on the block- June 18, 2008 Read this entry at freesoftwaremagazine (a drupal site) Every field has its own key individuals who donated much of their time to the ideas they believed in. Each one of them is a reminder that its up to individuals to make a difference and to make history. Their work affects large chunks of the worlds population, and bring amazing changes to the way we see and experience the world. And then it lists the usual suspects.. like Richard Stallman, Pamela Jones, Linus Torvards, Mark Shuttleworth,.http://willy.boerland.com/myblog/usual_suspects_with_a_new_kid_on_the_block Now you talk with you wallet in your mouth!- June 17, 2008 After some feedback I got from different people regarding the wallet in your mouth picture (and posting), I decided that it is your turn. Here is what you have to do: Make a picture of yourself with your wallet semi open in your mouth post it on your blog, twitter, facebook, flickr etc tag it with "talk-with-your-wallet" add text to it with a request to potential sponsers for the Drupalcon and add links with to szeged2008.drupalcon.org and the how to sponsor page. make sure enough eyeballs see.http://willy.boerland.com/myblog/now_you_talk_with_you_wallet_in_your_mouth RTL nieuws heeft een leuke iPhone aware site- June 17, 2008 Ondanks de mini safari op de iPhone de beste mobile browser is die ik ken -100% bruikbaar op elke non flash site- kan het handig zijn om voor mobile gebruikers (zoals iPhone beztters) andere content en layout aan te bieden. Zo is ene mobiele gebruiker waarschijnlijk minder in to achtergronden van het nieuws maar wil wel easy digestable (nu.nl alike ) nieuws zien, het weer en de file meldingen. En omdat de 2G(eneratie) iPhone met 3G(generatie) UMTS nog niet in Nederland beschikbaar is, doet een.http://willy.boerland.com/myblog/rtl_nieuws_heeft_een_leuke_iphone_aware_site DrupalCon sponsors, talk with your wallet- June 16, 2008 I used to think that to align with an Open Source project like Drupal you had to talk with your mouth (spreading the word) or with your keyboard (contributing code documentation). And I still think that that is the best way to contribute to an Open Source project. However, I have grown up but more import Open Source has grown up and specific the Drupal Community has grown. Grown with more people using it and more companies rely on Drupal; making money using Drupal. For those who either can...http://willy.boerland.com/myblog/drupalcon_sponsors_talk_with_your_wallet |