Anthony's Rank Amateur Photography\Am`a*teur"\, n. [F., fr. L. amator lover, fr. amare to love.] A person attached to a particular pursuit, study, or science as to music or painting; esp. one who cultivates any study or art, from taste or attachment, without pursuing it professionally.Sometimes it snows in Arkansas- February 16, 2004 From the front yard, a modest snowfall on Valentine's Day... Our First Real Snow - Feb 14, 2004- February 16, 2004 It's snowing In Arkansas... Anthony and Madison -- Photography from a child's viewpoint- February 8, 2004 Even a four year old can take a good picture with a digital camera. Kennedy took this shot while were on a family holiday.... American Flag -- Patriotism- February 8, 2004 The American Flag flown at the Best Western in West Helena, Arkansas.... |