TheHammer.caCanadian Satire from The HammerHarper Holds First Cabinet Meeting- January 20, 2006 An increasingly confident Stephen Harper held his first cabinet meeting this morning in Ottawa, even though his Conservative Party has yet to be elected as the nation's government. Voters Eager to Punish Liberals, Selves- January 16, 2006 Informal polling suggests that voters across Canada plan to punish the Liberal Party for the Quebec sponsorship scandal by voting them out of office in the January 23rd national election. But many want to go a step further and punish themselves, by voting Conservative. Martin Drops Parliamentary Procedure Bombshell- January 12, 2006 Faced with declining numbers in recent polls and an increasingly aggressive political base, Prime Minister Paul Martin today launched a parliamentary procedure proposal that shocked and bored Canadian voters. Report: More Blogs Than Humans on Earth- January 10, 2006 In its year-end report, the International Council on Internet Punditry (ICIP) says that the number of web logs, or 'blogs' in the world has now surpassed the number of humans. |