Write ItReading Writing & PedagogyUh Oh!- April 27, 2004 Just thought I'd drop this lil' gem. Discuss puppets, discuss! Gov't Watching Blogs...http://englished.blogs.com/blog/2004/04/uh_oh.html Reflection on some oppositional behaviors in English class- April 27, 2004 OK, I'm finally posting some "deep thoughts" regarding the mini-lessons for your comments and reflections. Still is a pain to type, but here goes: I'm curious about your thoughts on any of these issues as you teach in this "behavior...http://englished.blogs.com/blog/2004/04/reflection_on_s.html Thanks!- April 26, 2004 Hello All! Just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone for the different behaviors that were created during my "mini" lesson. I have done a lot of substitute teaching, however I feel a lot more prepared to handle different...http://englished.blogs.com/blog/2004/04/thanks.html (Untitled)- April 25, 2004 As I was sitting in a computer lab today, I realized something...Not everyone who has chosen education as a future profession should teach! This is a bit harsh...but, I believe it's well justified (and you can put me in this...http://englished.blogs.com/blog/2004/04/as_i_was_sittin.html Good Luck!- April 24, 2004 It's almost that time of year again. I just wanted to wish everyone good luck on their finals and projects, and say thanks to everyone for making our classes so fun and worthwhile. I have learned more from all of...http://englished.blogs.com/blog/2004/04/good_luck.html Great Job!- April 22, 2004 I just wanted to pop in and say that everyone is doing such a great job with the mini lessons. I know I was pretty scared before I went up there (and Angelina justified my concerns : ) ), but...http://englished.blogs.com/blog/2004/04/great_job.html |