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Feed items 1 - 8 of 8 for November 2004

§hâttërëd §âçrëd §târ

§hâttërëd §âçrëd §târ -

Tis the Season... - November 24, 2004

....To drive like morons! This dude was in an old black beatup wagon, with NO LIGHTS! Oh, wait! I'm sorry he did have his left rear taillight on.... Dangling of his car so you really couldn't tell it exsisted. AT 11:30 AT NIGHT! grrrrrIn other news I was oogling, yes it's a word, a new computer desk today at work. You can see it here (it will open in a new window)Its kinda spiffy space saving and It has a lot better organizing capability than this thing. Especially after Ryan ruined the...

YAY - November 16, 2004

Well today was a very successful day at work! I managed to pull in over $400.00 to the tech bench today! I'd like to see the night techs pull that off! Also managed to finish off most of the back room today. I only left about 4 computers for the night techs. Sucks to be them. But that just helps with me getting more hours at work! so YAY ME! And speaking of work, I got rated as everyones "fav tech" Its an unofficial thing but the geek squad corp. will see that so hopefully that turns into...

Shattered tears users! - November 9, 2004

ATTN: All users of and future usersthe avatar galleries have been loaded. see the Nov. 9th update on the homepage! And yes kyle it is true bagels and cream cheese are better than sex!EDIT: nevermind im just gonna at least upload the x-mas theme. Im too bored with the turkey day one it will be back up shortly.

Its past midnight - November 8, 2004

Its been a while since I have made a serious update. But for those of you on my friends list you pretty much know the goings on. Everyone in my family is happy about my new marriage and glad that the torture is over. The only thing mary had to say bad was he skinny and trying to gain weight That bastard! Lol. But thats why I love her. Kim and Jerry, my adopted parents are glad that the whole thing is over. I didn't know how they would react because he is alot older but she used the phrase.

yay - November 7, 2004

This post is officially being made from my newly installed linux computer! YAY

(Untitled) - November 3, 2004

My age20How old are other lj users are compared to me: Younger My age Older 58% 8% 33% There are 178280 lj users the same age as me. Enter age:LJ Age was bought to you by _imran_ and

(Untitled) - November 1, 2004

The Potion Makerbloodytearz666ium is a translucent, flaky white powder siphoned from the liver of an alligator.wiccan7ium is an opaque, oily turquoise liquid obtained from the blood of a wolf.Mixing bloodytearz666ium with wiccan7ium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing a translucent indigo potion which gives the user the power of acid-spitting.Yet another fun meme brought to you by rfreebernThe Potion Makerwiccan7ium is an opaque, oily turquoise liquid obtained from the blood of a...

YAY - November 1, 2004

the halloween theme is down and the new one is out! The new mp3's are also up (14 tracks)!!! but remember you have to be logged in to listen to them! check it out
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