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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for August 2004

Toby's Political Diary - 'Let it Begin Here'

I am from Lexington, Massachusetts. I believe the "war on terror" is a threat to democracy both here and abroad. Over 200 years ago, John Parker, Captain of the 70 Lexington Minutemen facing 700 heavily armed British soldiers said "Stand your ground. Don't fire until fired upon. But if they mean to have a war, let it begin here." Thus began the American revolution. The spirit of this web site is to support the ideals of justice, equality, liberty and the pursuit of...

The corruption of the press - August 30, 2004

When our country was founded the revolution was fueled by pamphleteers who published both signed and anonymous broadsides against English tyranny.  One of the most well known was Tom Paine, whose pamphlet Common Sense was the first to challenge the idea of British authority over the American colonies.   In recognition of the importance of public debate for democracy, the first article of the Bill of Rights established the freedom of the press.  The article reads   "Congress..

Bush&146;s hubris making him vulnerable - August 25, 2004

I am astounded that Bush and Rove have felt so desperate that they put together the Swift Boat Liars group. Even if it was no more than an enraged suggestion ala King Henry II and Becket of who will &147;rid me of this troublesome priest&148;, the fact is they are playing with fire. Reopening this line of questioning may, possibly, get the bigfoot media to follow up on the issue of whether George Bush did community service for cocaine usage while he was in the guard. There are a number of.

Bush&146;s Hubris making him vulnerable - August 25, 2004

  I am astounded that Bush and Rove have felt so desperate that they put together the Swift Boat Liars group.  Even if it was no more than an enraged suggestion ala King Henry II and Becket of who will &147;rid me of this troublesome priest&148;, the fact is they are playing with fire.   Reopening this line of questioning may, possibly, get the bigfoot media to follow up on the issue of whether George Bush did community service for cocaine usage while he was in the guard. ...
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