Uvalde NewsLocal news for Uvalde, TX continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Lynn Woolley: Winners and losers in the illegal workers debate- June 30, 2008 "The Lynn Woolley Show" is broadcast weeknights at 8 on KVCE 1160 AM in Dallas-Fort Worth.http://www.topix.net/city/uvalde-tx/2008/06/lynn-woolley-winners-and-losers-in-the-illegal... Wasted time no more- June 28, 2008 For the vast majority of dialysis patients, their life revolves around trips to the dialysis center.http://www.topix.net/city/uvalde-tx/2008/06/wasted-time-no-more?fromrss=1 Trahan professes vow to Marianist Sisters- June 26, 2008 From staff reports Sister Nicole Denise Trahan, a former Orange resident, recently professed her vows to become the newest member of the Marianist Sisters, a religious congregation in the Catholic Church.http://www.topix.net/city/uvalde-tx/2008/06/trahan-professes-vow-to-marianist-sisters?from... Jarzombek, Koehl plan Oct. 11 wedding- June 24, 2008 June 24, 2008 Clem and Lynette Jarzombek of Kosciusko, Texas, are proud to announce the engagement and upcoming marriage of their daughter, Daneane Anne, to Richard Casey Koehl of Uvalde.http://www.topix.net/city/uvalde-tx/2008/06/jarzombek-koehl-plan-oct-11-wedding?fromrss=1 Morningside Ministries- June 21, 2008 Morningside Ministries has appointed Nancy Dunn Thompson as the new executive director of its Elizabeth McGown Training Institute.http://www.topix.net/city/uvalde-tx/2008/06/morningside-ministries?fromrss=1 School board changes student insurance policy- June 19, 2008 The Kerrville Independent School District changed its policy at Monday night's board meeting about insurance coverage for students.http://www.topix.net/city/uvalde-tx/2008/06/school-board-changes-student-insurance-policy?... Acosta uses art, music to express herself- June 14, 2008 Her high-heeled shoes were placed precisely next to her, abandoned to the four mallets she held in slightly shaky hands, her focus on the marimba music she was about to perform and the swirling of butterflies ...http://www.topix.net/city/uvalde-tx/2008/06/acosta-uses-art-music-to-express-herself?fromr... FG to lose N117bn to Solgas- June 12, 2008 FOLLOWING the ruling, last week, by a panel of jurists sitting in arbitration in London which found the Federal Government liable for wrongful termination of a financial service agreement with Solgas Nigeria ...http://www.topix.net/city/uvalde-tx/2008/06/fg-to-lose-n117bn-to-solgas?fromrss=1 Center offers site for disposal of items that can be recycled- June 10, 2008 Staff photos by Heidi Hood GETTING THE JOB DONE - Marcelino Lopez unloads large bins from the back of a truck on Tuesday at the Uvalde Recycling Center.http://www.topix.net/city/uvalde-tx/2008/06/center-offers-site-for-disposal-of-items-that-... Sacred Heart Festival to benefit church and school- June 8, 2008 The Sacred Heart Catholic Church invites the community to attend its 100th anniversary celebration this weekend at the annual Sacred Heart Festival on the church grounds.http://www.topix.net/city/uvalde-tx/2008/06/sacred-heart-festival-to-benefit-church-and-sc... |