Ste. Marie NewsLocal news for Ste. Marie, IL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Woo-hoo! Dr. Lou- June 20, 2008 NEWS RELEASE ROTARY CLUB OF SAULT STE. MARIE Rotary Club of Sault Ste. Trio fined for illegal moose hunting north of Sault- June 12, 2008 NEWS RELEASE MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES Killing a moose illegally and failing to tag a calf moose immediately after it was shot has cost three men $3,500. William Gavin, 70, of ... Waubonsie student earns Eagle Scout rank- June 9, 2008 Three Fires Council, Boy Scout Troop 101 honored Dennis W. Piehl, 17, at an Eagle Scout Court of Honor on May 10 at the Grace Fellowship Church in Naperville. Is that Mr. or Dr. Francis- June 7, 2008 More honors for Ron Francis: The Hurricanes assistant general manager will receive an honorary doctorate from Algoma University in his hometown of Sault Ste. |