VeniceblogAbout Venice, Italy.Water In The Streets!- October 31, 2005 Most places, when a water main bursts under the city streets, you're looking at a world of trouble. Traffic back-ups. Property damage. Business shut-downs. Not so in Venice. It took a while before anyone even noticed the huge pipe rupture... Bird Flu Scare in North Lagoon- October 30, 2005 To be clear this is not a traveler's advisory. But the Gazzettino is reporting that seven gulls have been found dead in the waters of the northern lagoon near Treporti, and authorities are taking all possible precautions to ensure that... The Splendor of Colleoni- October 27, 2005 Above, a picture taken a couple weeks ago of one of my absolute favorite works of art in Venice: Andrea Verrocchios statue of the condottiero, Bartolomeo Colleoni. We have a right to say that this equestrian statute is the finest... The Bakers of Venice: On the Road to Extinction- October 10, 2005 Translatedparaphrased from an article by Gianpaolo Bonzio in today's Gazzettino. Every year, another Venetian bakery lowers its shutters forever. The financial pressures on bakers in the city are inexorable, and hope is in short supply. In 1985, there were 55... Tougher contests coming- October 7, 2005 I got about 15 responses in a day or so to the "mystery photo", which, once again, wasn't too mysterious. To a person, EVERYONE identified Buffalo Bill Cody. Correctly identifying one of the Native Americans with him proved a little... Another Veniceblog Mystery Photo Contest- October 5, 2005 Some say we Americans are a bit conspiciuous in Venice. Easy to spot. Well, maybe so, but today's Americans in Venice are downright subtle compared to this distinguished group of Yanks, on holiday before the turn of the century. (Click... Veniceblog is 2- October 5, 2005 The first post on Veniceblog was two years ago today. |