Naomi Ragen: The Last Ten Minutes of My Life- December 30, 2004 If you would like to know what life is like in Israel today, read this powerful and brief account. Plaut in IsraelInsider: 20 Unfashionable Facts- December 19, 2004 This is a nice summary. Even the comments from a detractor and the responses from supporters are enlightening. Thanks, Professor Plaut. Prof. Paul Eidelberg via Women in Green: "The Poodles Among Us"- December 16, 2004 In his 2002 foreword to Raphael Patais 1973 classic, The Arab Mind, Norvelle B. de Atkine writes: This book forms the basis of my cultural instruction, complemented by my own experiences of some 25 years living in, studying or teaching about the Middle East.De Atkine notes that officers returning from the Arab world describe the cultural barriers they encounter as by far the most difficult A terror victim speaks- December 15, 2004 Please go to this site and read the full text of this speech given recently by Arnold Roth, the father of 15-year-old Sbarro victim Malki Roth. This man's articulate love, compassion, and good sense are, I am proud to say, thoroughly representative of the very best in Judaism. Dear reader, if you have bought into the "moral equivalence" lie (Israel = "Palestine") of the media, please see if you Honig in JPost: Lost Chicken-Sense- December 15, 2004 by Sarah Honig Among the junk mail that clogs my postbox daily, I found a Gush Shalom leaflet calling on me to fulfill my "national duty and the duty of every peace-loving person" to help remove all settlements. How do I pitch in By boycotting anything that's settlement-made. To facilitate my task, I was supplied with a list of brands to be shunned. In case of unmarked agricultural produce, I Amazing letter from Pollard to chief IDF rabbi- December 12, 2004 To: Brigadier General Rabbi Israel Weiss, Chief Rabbi of the IDF From: Jonathan Pollard, 09185-016; FCI Butner, Butner NC, USA Dear Rabbi Weiss, As you know, our tradition teaches that a Jew does not sin unless he is afflicted by temporary insanity, a "ruach shtut". How else are we to understand why a G-d -fearing Jew like yourself, the Chief Rabbi of the IDF, would declare his support for Remember: WE are the good guys!- December 5, 2004 In Column One: Leaving the Hall of Mirrors, Jerusalem Post columnist Carolyn Glick writes one of her most insightful and level-headed analyses ever. Thanks, Carolyn! (and thanks, Naomi, for pointing this out.) You have to register with Jpost to read it, but its free. Amir Taheri in Jerusalem Post: What if it's not Israel they loathe- December 2, 2004 This article makes the point that Muslims don't care about Palestinians as "brother Muslims"; they're just another excuse for hating the US and the West in general. The arguments are clearly made and supported--and widely ignored by the press and politicians. |