Venus NewsLocal news for Venus, TX continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Man's Best Friend- December 30, 2007 "We don't know why he was the way he was, but it seemed like something had happened to him" Program helps rescued dogs, inmates Waxahachie Daily Light by Kelsie Hahn Ricardo Mendez entices Copper to shake with a treat at the Paws in Prison graduation ceremony at the Sanders Estes Unit in Venus, Texas. via Abilene Reporter-News Mall room Blitzen- December 8, 2007 "That is amazing. It's a beautiful animal." In addition to Santa Claus, The Parks at Arlington mall has Blitzen the reindeer making appearances every Wednesday until Christmas. via Fort Worth Star-Telegram Funding for cities- December 6, 2007 "As the state agency dedicated solely to rural Texas, ORCA makes the broad resources of state government more accessible to rural communities" The Office of Rural Community Affairs recently recognized area grant recipients for their contributions to communities in the North Central Texas area with the presentation of oversized, ceremonial checks. via Waxahachie Daily Light |