Union Bridge NewsLocal news for Union Bridge, MD continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Lehigh requests change of easement- February 25, 2008 "Otherwise, it would be impossible" Lehigh Cement Co. has asked the state if it would be willing to amend an agricultural land easement to allow the company to expand its operations, which include a transportation line between its New Windsor ... via Carroll Co. Timeshttp://www.topix.net/city/union-bridge-md/2008/02/lehigh-requests-change-of-easement?fromr... Carroll's links to civil rights- February 24, 2008 The history of civil rights activism in Carroll County is long, rich and complex - a history that cannot be adequately covered in a column such as this, even if continued over several months. via Carroll Co. Timeshttp://www.topix.net/city/union-bridge-md/2008/02/carrolls-links-to-civil-rights?fromrss=1 Staying motivated: To stick with fitness plan, start off slow and be realistic- February 24, 2008 "Most of my siblings are on medication, and I don't want to be" While many people start off the new year eager to begin a new workout regime, trainers and other experts say planning and setting realistic goals are key to ensuring that exercise does not become a passing ... via Carroll Co. Timeshttp://www.topix.net/city/union-bridge-md/2008/02/staying-motivated-to-stick-with-fitness-... Del. requests local courtesy on district bill- February 23, 2008 "I will certainly defer to local courtesy on this" Members of the House Environmental Matters Committee were asked at a hearing Friday to give local courtesy to a Carroll bill establishing five commissioners by district. via Carroll Co. Timeshttp://www.topix.net/city/union-bridge-md/2008/02/del-requests-local-courtesy-on-district-... Users attempt eBay boycott- February 20, 2008 "I can't because it's my livelihood." New eBay pricing and policies that go into effect today are causing some users to think twice before buying and selling on the World Wide Web. via Carroll County Onlinehttp://www.topix.net/city/union-bridge-md/2008/02/users-attempt-ebay-boycott?fromrss=1 Union Bridge draft plan features few new projects- February 19, 2008 "It gives us an overall goal for our community." In a town where little growth has occurred in nearly two decades, the updated master plan is practically a replica of the previous plan, with no new residential areas scheduled. via Carroll County Onlinehttp://www.topix.net/city/union-bridge-md/2008/02/union-bridge-draft-plan-features-few-new... Union Bridge memories- February 10, 2008 For 15 weeks during 1910, James L. Switzer wrote a series of "Reminiscences" that were published in the Union Bridge Pilot. via Carroll County Onlinehttp://www.topix.net/city/union-bridge-md/2008/02/union-bridge-memories?fromrss=1 |