Let there be panic- February 18, 2008 This entry is just googlebait for a PSA; most of you can skip it. I was having a problem with the excellent WW2 top-down RTS game Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts (available now via Steam, and, I presume, in stores) and nobody on the internets seemed to have a solution for it. The error message was "Missing RGM!" and occurred when vibrant blue cubes would take the place of normal objects like tanks, houses, and falling artillery shells. Anyway I experimented and basically the problem seems.http://www.shauny.org/mess/archives/2008/02/let-there-be-pa.php Delivery Delayed- February 8, 2008 I got a surprise today when webmistress shauny informed me that the Mess still appeared to be generating comment spam. I'd told Movable Type to close all comments for all entries, future ones included, back in mid-April -- because I was getting 10 or 20 spam comments per day -- and MT said "k!" and sent no more emails to notify me of new comments waiting for approval. Reasonably, I took it as a given that nobody was able to post any more of them, spammers included, and figured that if anybody.http://www.shauny.org/mess/archives/2008/02/delivery-delaye.php |