Anita Blanchard: The BabyInfo on Babyquest 2003(Untitled)- December 30, 2005 Mixed Boob Blessings I&146;ve been wanting to write about how much it has helped me since the miscarriage to still be breastfeeding. Certainly, right after we found out that we lost the baby, I could not have wanted more to have that close physical contact with Conor that breastfeeding gives me. It really helped to hold my warm, living child in my arms while he snuggled against me. The problem is that I really needed to write that blog entry around the time it... (Untitled)- December 29, 2005 Virus Alert Well, well, well. Wasn&146;t that a very exciting last 24 hours. In the process of checking one of the referring web sites to my blog (and just after Dave said Don&146;t Go To That Site!), I got a big fat virus. It&146;s apparently a new one that attacks a vulnerability in my version of Windows. And it apparently started on Wednesday, the day I looked at that site. The thing that scares me is that I didn&146;t click anything nor did I download.. (Untitled)- December 28, 2005 Validation I just returned from the follow up visit at my OB&146;s office. I am SO GLAD I switched doctor&146;s offices and now am seeing Dr. B. He really listens to me and actually respects what I have to say. I told him about my concerns with the baby being out of the range of normal in the first ultrasound. I wasn&146;t going to, because I sound insane when I get all worked up about it. But he listened to me, paused and said that he too had seen... (Untitled)- December 27, 2005 Ninety-Eight Percent I need to revisit some of my thoughts on the miscarriage before I move on. I notice that when I&146;m trying to deal with something emotionally, I repeat it over and over and over again in my head until either I tell everyone I know or, honestly, I write it down on the blog. I&146;ve told almost everyone I know about this, so now it&146;s time to write it down. First, I do have more good days than bad days. But I still have bad days. I.. (Untitled)- December 26, 2005 HO HO HO So of course, how could I not tell you about Conor&146;s reaction to his new rocking horse We woke up Christmas morning, much earlier than I wanted to, to be honest. Despite the fact that Conor has no idea about Santa (except that he says Ho Ho Ho), he decided to get up at about 4:30 am anyway. Our response was to bring him to bed and strongly encourage him to nurse for another hour and a half. Finally at 6, giving in to his excited leaps around... (Untitled)- December 21, 2005 Hey! Conor&146;s vocabulary is increasing exponentially. One of my favorite new words is &147;Hey!&148; and the occasional &147;Hi.&148; If you don&146;t live in the south, then let me explain that down here &147;Hey!&148; is our way of casually greeting each other. Whereas I have heard that in other places, &147;Hey!&148; is somewhat aggressive, here it&146;s quite friendly. And when your seventeen month old smoochie pooh stop nursing before bed, gives you a mile. (Untitled)- December 20, 2005 Moving Forward, Moving into Debt We&146;re moving forward from the miscarriage. We&146;ve already come up with Plan B as well as Plan C and perhaps D. Plan B is that we&146;ll start trying again in a few months. I say few months because if we started trying again as soon as we could, it&146;s possible I&146;d have the baby in October and instead of having a full semester off (and a summer), I&146;d have 6 to 8 weeks. I&146;d rather wait and time our baby to arrive. (Untitled)- December 16, 2005 We&146;re OK It truly has turned into a day by day recovery. Tuesday, I actually felt fine. In fact, I felt so fine, I felt guilty. How can I be &147;fine&148; when I have just lost my baby But I was fine on Tuesday. Well, I was fine Tuesday morning. By the time I picked up Conor from daycare and Dave came home, I was not doing so fine. Wednesday sucked. The whole day pretty much sucked. Yesterday was somewhere in the... (Untitled)- December 13, 2005 By The Numbers I find comfort in numbers. My first strategy at coping with this miscarriage has been to figure out just how &147;common&148; miscarriages are. One of my pregnancy books which I now affectionately call &147;What to Freak Out About When You&146;re Expecting&148; says that midwives and OBs may be brusque and matter of fact when they deal with couples experiencing a miscarriage because these health care professionals have to have these conversations &147;a... (Untitled)- December 12, 2005 Thank you so much for all your comments and emails of support. It has really helped Dave and me a lot. It actually has helped more than I ever imagined. We're doing ok. The surgery is over and we're now officially in physical and emotional recovery. We have good moments and bad moments. The weirdest part of this is that we have no idea what the path we're on is going to be like for the next few months. Have we hit the worst part, or is that still... |