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Feed items 11 - 15 of 15 for June 2003

The Ten Thousand Year Blog

Webjots that pickled my fancy from July 2002 (and maybe deeper into the past) until today, whenever now is, until beyond tomorrow, whenever that may come. Electronic Records and Digital Preservation is now a category.

RSS feed on The Zen of Portalship - June 10, 2003

Heck, yeah, that's darned cool! So now at least I know that even though the RDF doesn't validate as RSS 1.0, tacking on the RSS suffix does permit me to syndicate site content, which means others can do so as well. Next experiment is to see if I can Blogroll to The Zen of Portalship. The RSS feed is 0.91 (the Netscape RDF-based one).

David Mattison Bibliography - June 10, 2003

David Mattison Bibliography A bibliography of my offline and online publications. via The Zen of Portalship   Ok, let's see if blogging my own RSS feed from The Zen of Portalship works!

Thank you from me to you my readers! - June 10, 2003

A big thank you to those who continue to link to and comment on my wiki article for Searcher magazine (April 2003). Also, thanks to those who've utilized the copy of the resource list I pulled together for a presentation I gave on blogs, RSS and wikis to a handful of librarians and information technologists in and outside the British Columbia government. The list is also available at on my public Zwiki (http:www.davidmattison.cazwikiblogs-rss-wikis). I will be integrating..

NewsGator 1.2 with blogging APIs support - June 10, 2003

NewsGator 1.2 is out and now offers plugin support for external blogging tools. See the developer's Weblog (Greg Reinacker of Reinacker & Associates Inc.) for other tidbits about NewsGator. I believe this is the tool that will bring RSS into the corporate world. These are the plugins listed on the NewsGator site as of June 9, 02003: Blogger plug-in For users of, or other weblog systems which support the Blogger API. Current version: (22 May 2003) Download: MSI installer.

Welcome to - June 10, 2003

My new domain ( is up and running. Not much on the home page. I've installed a public Zwiki and will move content from http:searcher.freezope.orgzwiki to http:www.davidmattison.cazwiki. The shared hosting service I'm on has some limitations that affect the use of the Zope Content Management Framework as expressed in the default CMF Site and some of the 3rd party tools such as the CMFWeblog Tool. For example, RPCAuth is required to run the CMFWeblog Tool, but the
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