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Feed items 1 - 10 of 15 for June 2003

The Ten Thousand Year Blog

Webjots that pickled my fancy from July 2002 (and maybe deeper into the past) until today, whenever now is, until beyond tomorrow, whenever that may come. Electronic Records and Digital Preservation is now a category.

The Bot Wars: MSNbot vs Googlebot vs The Bloggers - June 19, 2003

The Bot from Redmond. This story is about the search engine robot released into the Web wild by Microsoft. You can read about MSNbot at the source. Some bloggers no like. via Scripting News, 02003 06 18, via Zawodny, 02003 06 17

Gemstar phases out eBooks - June 19, 2003

Jenny Levine (The Shifted Librarian) posted a long e-mail from Gemstar announcing the company is phasing out its eBook product line. Effective immediately they stop selling their eBook reader (the handheld device) and on July 17, 2003 all sales of books and periodicals. Product support will continue "for at least the next three years" (until July 16, 2006). Jenny Levine noted in her post that: "While I hate to see ebooks decline even further, this was entirely predictable. If you're going.

RSS feed via POP3 - June 18, 2003

Graeme Foster: "Why not expose RSS feeds as POP3 and have an RSS aggregator in any email client" via Scripting News Sounds like an idea whose time may have come. NewsGator, a commercial RSS aggregator (reader) for Microsoft Outlook, already exists and now allows reposting an RSS message to a blog via different plugins. Regular old news from UseNet channels never did seem to take off.

Microsoft buys Linux antivirus technology company - June 13, 2003

Microsoft to kill popular Linux antivirus product from IDG InfoWorld Put this in the if you can't beat 'em, buy 'em out category.

RSS aggregator story from The Shifted Librarian - June 13, 2003

RSS Aggregators Gaining Ground!. Should the big pubs be paying attention to RSS Just ask Andy Rhinehart at, home of the Spartanburg Herald-Journal newspaper. Last year Andy led the pack by offering an RSS feed for their top news stories. This year he enhanced the SHJ's status by creating a feed for their classified ads, and he topped himself with a third feed for stories about the war in Iraq. So is a good model for other newspapers to emulate, but we all..

Out of Africa again - June 13, 2003

Skulls of Oldest Homo sapiens Recovered from Scientific American Not really a freaky science item, but another important fossil discovery. How will the Creationists explain this one

RSS feed from Oracle Corporation - June 13, 2003

Oracle technology news now has an RSS feed. from Scripting News

BizBlog Conference, have blogs gone corporate at last - June 13, 2003

Blogs from BizBlog Conference. I missed the Weblog Business Strategies conference in Boston earlier this week, but Heath Row didn't. He practically transcribed the... from Dan Gillmor's eJournal More visibility for blogging enthusiasts and corporate evangelists ....

Javapedia and Wiki from Sun Microsystems, O'Reilly and Collabnet - June 12, 2003

Javapedia:, powered by Twiki, and sponsored by Sun Microsystems, O' and Collabnet, this wiki aims to be the ultimate user-built guide to all things Java. The Javapedia is part of a larger aggregation of wikis organized under the name Wiki: Source: http:www.kottke.orgremainder, 11 June 2003

Peek at the new Ten Thousand Year Blog (Squishdot) - June 10, 2003

A peek at the, hopefully, new Ten Thousand Year Blog. I'm not sure what version the RSS feed is, but I think it's 1.0. It is valid as you'll see from this link via the RSS Validator (Mark Pilgrim and Sam Ruby) http:feeds.archive.orgvalidatorcheckurl=http:www.davidmattison.ca10KYearBlogrdf.
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