afishA weblog.Arnold Could be OK- October 10, 2003 I didn't vote for him, but he won. His acceptance speech was good, but performance matters, yeah yeah. I wanted to vote for him, but the harrassment stories made it impossible. Also, electing him was essentially a hail-mary pass, only time will tell us if he receives it. What's wrong with a hail-mary election to shake things up I just remember this conversation in 2000: "oh well, he won. He'll just be a do-nothing president, what's the worst that could happen It's not like he's going to... LiveTopics and K-Collector- October 1, 2003 I want k-collector and liveTopics to get married. Mathemagenic wants this too: At the end my main point is simple: I believe k-collector has more chances to be used if it offers more to endusers. Personally I'd like to have an opportunity to switch between "all weblogs" and "my own weblog" views :)Mathemagenic via Marc's Voice Right! k-collector indexes the group the way liveTopics indexed the individual. Now that I'm part of the group, I am lost within the boundaries of my. |