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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for April 2008

The Fishbowl

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Direct Fail - April 23, 2008

On two or three occasions I have bought stuff from Digital City in Sydney. Each time they did the usual &8220;you need to give us your address for warranty purposes&8221; bullshit. So yesterday I received three identical mail-outs from said organisation via Australia Post, who were forwarding stuff to me from my old apartment. How did they manage to send me the same flyer three times on the same day Well, how about by getting every single instance of my (previous) address wrong in a slightly.

Command History Meme - April 18, 2008

See here, here, etc. 152 RUN 73 LOAD "",8,1 42 LIST 20 POKE 8 PEEK

When life approximates xkcd... - April 13, 2008

Charles and Donna, lazy Sunday morning, trying to avoid getting up and facing the day: Donna: Still love me Charles: Of course. I&8217;m never going to give you up. Charles: I&8217;m never going to let you down. Charles: Never&8230; Donna: &8230; Donna: &8230; Donna: You did not just Rickroll me.

Twitterpated - April 10, 2008

Dear Sir andor Madam, I noticed that you decided to &8220;follow&8221; me on Twitter. Not knowing who you were and mindful of the possibility you may be a friend, colleague or net.acquaintance using an obscure handle, I visited your Twitter homepage. On arriving, I discovered you were following a ridiculous number of other people.1 This led me to the understanding that you really only added me to draw my attention to your websitenew projectbogus twitter joke-feedself. I&8217;m sure you think..
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