The Fishbowltail -f /dev/mind > blogApple TV 2.0 First Impressions- February 14, 2008 Similarly, my first impression of the Apple TV 2.0 is that it is a perfectly serviceable device that allows me to play media from my iTunes libraries, and allows me to buy and rent movies and music from the iTunes store... but it feels like Apple outsourced the design. (465 Words) JSR-666 Extension: Exception Types- February 13, 2008 When checking preconditions in Java code, it is very common to check whether some method argument is null, and throw an exception if it is. There are two equally valid exceptions that may be used in this case: IllegalArgumentException and NullPointerException. The decision to use one over the other is often the cause of holy wars, and can consume a great deal of productivity on internal mailing-lists and blogs. (245 Words) Facebook for Dummies- February 8, 2008 This, in a nutshell, is how Facebook apps work, and why 95% of the time I get a notification from such an application, I end up annoyed. (182 Words) Meraki's Shipment of Fail- February 5, 2008 Then I discovered that the shipping cost for my three Meraki repeaters (RRP: US$49 each) was a mind-boggling $62. (208 Words) |